I haven´t had the time to learn about the blogworld, but have realized that there are a few do´s and dont´s. Yesterday I learned that there are "awards" for nice and inspiring blogs. I received one from babyramen. Wow, thank you!
With the awards comes a challenge:
1. Link back to the person you got it from (done!)
2. Write 7 things (secrets?) about yourself (hmmm...that´s difficult!)
3. Give the award to 7 fellow bloggers.
Here are 7 things you didn´t know about me:
1. I play the harmonica (not perfect, I am self thaught!)
2. I am afraid of heights
3. I`m a music lover and have for a long time dreamed of becoming a DJ (in my next life maybe?)
4. I used to dance flamenco
5. One of my favourite things is to look in other people photoalbums
6. I am hypermobile
7. I dreamed of becoming a hotelmanager when I grew up (that was before I discovered photography!)
There are many great blogs out there that could receive an award, but I have decided to give these three new bloggers some attention:
Photograhy: Trine Thorsen
You are absolutely adorable. So you love love love music, and now photography. I will visit each blog you have mentioned in this post and tell them that you sent me. xx's Marsha from Texas