Happy happy!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Hope 2011 will be wonderful!
Thanks a lot to all of you that has stopped by my blog this year. Hope to see you next year too!
Image by love stitching red on flickr
An early start...

Allerede før jula ringte inn i forrige uka begynte stylist Tara og jeg likeså godt å forberede oss til neste jul (greit å være tidlig ute!). Tradisjonen tro ble det bakt syv slag og alle ble fotografert på hver sin måte med mitt nye (enda umøblerte) kjøkken som kulisse. Saken får dere se i Boligdrøms julenummer som kommer ut i nov/desember i 2011.
A few days before Christmas last week, stylist Tara and I started preparing for next year´s Christmas celebration (we like to be ahead of time...). Seven of our traditional Christmas cakes was baked and shot with my (still empty) kitchen as a backdrop. The feature will be on in the new Norwegian magazine Boligdrøm´s next year´s Christmas issue sometime in Nov/Dec 2011.
Photography: Trine Thorsen
Styling: Tara Ballantyne
A few days to go...

2010 er snart over (tror jeg vil si heldigvis!), og det er tid for å kjøpe ny innmat til Filofaxen
(den elektroniske varianten har ikke helt gått helt hjem hos meg enda, selv med både Iphone og Ical for hånden). Foruten en kalender til veskebruk tror jeg jeg skal spandere på meg denne veggkalenderen fra Hayshop. Den er kuul, den er praktisk (kan brukes år etter år!) og den er helt meg ;-)
2010 is ( finally) soon to be over and the time has come to change my Filofax calendar ( I am still not in to the electronic kind even with both Iphone and Ical on my hands). In addition to a calendar to put in my handbag, I think I´ll treat myself to this wall calendar from Hayshop. Not only is it cool, it is also practical (you never need to replace it!). It is also very me ;-)
My creative workspace

Det første rommet som ble pusset opp i huset var det som skulle bli mitt hjemmekontor. Med masse utklipp og bilder til inspirasjon hadde jeg sett for meg at det skulle bli et rom på høyde med disse. Jeg drømte om en kreativ og visuelt vakkert arbeidsrom der veggene skulle være fylt av lekre og inspirerende utklipp, en gamle kontorstol til å sitte på, og industrilamper på skrivebordet og i taket. For ikke å snakke om alt det gamle kontorutstyret jeg har kjøpt og samlet på de siste årene, som møysommelig skulle danderes og styles på skrivepulten. Det jeg glemte i farten var at jeg som fotograf er avhengig av en 30 tommers dataskjerm når jeg redigerer bilder, en god stol når jeg sitter timer foran skjermen, og mye plass på skrivebordet til alt papiret, huskelappene, "to do" mappene etc. Følelser hadde tatt overhånd for fornuften- igjen! Etter et par uker på en gammel, knirkete (men gud så fiin!) rusten kontorstol som hverken kunne justeres opp eller ned, en overfylt arbeidspult med altfor mye "stæsh", måtte jeg bare innse at slaget var tapt. Misfornøyd byttet jeg ut stolen til en mer komfortabel (og billigere) variant fra Ikea og ryddet overflødig stæsh vekk. Det eneste som fikk lov til å være igjen var industrilampene og utklippene på veggen.
The first room we redecorated in the house was the room that was to become my homeoffice. With tons of of lovely images in front of me, cut out from miscellaneous magazines, I had pictured my room to be just like one of these...I dreamt of a room with a desktop overfilled with the old office utensils I had collected over the past years, inspirational tearsheets on the walls, and old industrial chairs and lamps. What I forgot was that as a photographer I am depended on a large LCD screen to work on my images, a good, comfortable chair to sit in the hours I spend in front of the computer, and a desk with room for all my papers, Post It notes and "to do" lists to remind me of what has to be done (getting old here...). I guess feelings came before my senses- again! After a few weeks on an old, schreeching (but oh sooo beautiful!) office chair, an overfilled with way to much stuff, I had to admit that my "battle" was lost. I sadly exchanged the chair for a more comfortable (and cheaper!) kind, and cleaned the crowded desk for beautifully styled stuff. The only thing that I kept behind was the industrial lamps and and the tearsheets on the wall... :-(
All images found on Rum.dk
The first room we redecorated in the house was the room that was to become my homeoffice. With tons of of lovely images in front of me, cut out from miscellaneous magazines, I had pictured my room to be just like one of these...I dreamt of a room with a desktop overfilled with the old office utensils I had collected over the past years, inspirational tearsheets on the walls, and old industrial chairs and lamps. What I forgot was that as a photographer I am depended on a large LCD screen to work on my images, a good, comfortable chair to sit in the hours I spend in front of the computer, and a desk with room for all my papers, Post It notes and "to do" lists to remind me of what has to be done (getting old here...). I guess feelings came before my senses- again! After a few weeks on an old, schreeching (but oh sooo beautiful!) office chair, an overfilled with way to much stuff, I had to admit that my "battle" was lost. I sadly exchanged the chair for a more comfortable (and cheaper!) kind, and cleaned the crowded desk for beautifully styled stuff. The only thing that I kept behind was the industrial lamps and and the tearsheets on the wall... :-(
All images found on Rum.dk
Sneak preview: The kitchen...
That was then....

This is now!

Kjøkkenet begynner å ta form noe som er veldig stas! I forrige uke ble gulvene beiset og oljet, i helgen blir listeverket grunnet og malt og i neste uke kommer elektrikeren for å sette opp det elektriske.
Det er fremdeles mye frem og tilbake når det gjelder kjøkkeninnredningen... Planen var å bygge den selv, men etter mye om og men, diskusjoner (for ikke å snakke om krangler!), utfordringer, mangel på verktøy og ikke minst tiden det vil ta, har jeg begynt å miste lysten. Jeg vil ha et kjøkken nå! Problemet er at jeg er litt sær, og liker få av de tingene jeg ser som er ferdigprodusert og som passer vårt budsjett.
Så nå tar jeg en runde med alle leverandørenes 3D planleggingsverktøy og ser om jeg finner noe som passer i smak, stil og ikke minst pris!
På tide å vinne i Lotto!
The kitchen is starting to take shape which is veeery exciting! Last week the floors were whitewashed and oiled, this weekend I will paint the mouldings. Next week the electrician will come and install lamps etc.
It is still a lot of back and forth regarding the kitchen interior. Our plan was to build the interior ourselves, but after hours of planning, discussing (and arguing!), we are now reconsidering. The challenge with the tools we have in possession, the time it will take build it and the big investments of tools to finish it, has made me dreading it. I want a kitchen now! The only thing is that I have a hard time finding a kitchen that suits my taste and budget.
So my next step will be to download all the kitchen suppliers 3d planning tools and see if I can find something that suits my style, taste- and not to say the least- my budget!
Time to win the lottery...
Photography: Trine Thorsen
Sneak preview: cool wool!

Ryggen blir bedre og bedre for hver dag og jeg har smått begynt å jobbe igjen. Jippiii!
Jobbing = hyppigere sniktitt på bloggen :-).
I forrige uke laget jeg denne trendsaken på temaet ull og strikk sammen med stylist Kirsten Visdal. Bildene kommer i Interiørmagasinets første 2011 nummer som er i salg fra 12.januar.
My back is getting better and better each day and I have slowly started to work again. Yeah!!! Work means frequent sneak previews on my blog :-).
Last week I did this feature on trendy knits together with stylist Kirsten Visdal. The images will be shown in the first 20011 issue of Interiørmagasinet, which is on sale from January 12th.
Photography: Trine Thorsen
Styling: Kirsten Visdal
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