Det første rommet som ble pusset opp i huset var det som skulle bli mitt hjemmekontor. Med masse utklipp og bilder til inspirasjon hadde jeg sett for meg at det skulle bli et rom på høyde med disse. Jeg drømte om en kreativ og visuelt vakkert arbeidsrom der veggene skulle være fylt av lekre og inspirerende utklipp, en gamle kontorstol til å sitte på, og industrilamper på skrivebordet og i taket. For ikke å snakke om alt det gamle kontorutstyret jeg har kjøpt og samlet på de siste årene, som møysommelig skulle danderes og styles på skrivepulten. Det jeg glemte i farten var at jeg som fotograf er avhengig av en 30 tommers dataskjerm når jeg redigerer bilder, en god stol når jeg sitter timer foran skjermen, og mye plass på skrivebordet til alt papiret, huskelappene, "to do" mappene etc. Følelser hadde tatt overhånd for fornuften- igjen! Etter et par uker på en gammel, knirkete (men gud så fiin!) rusten kontorstol som hverken kunne justeres opp eller ned, en overfylt arbeidspult med altfor mye "stæsh", måtte jeg bare innse at slaget var tapt. Misfornøyd byttet jeg ut stolen til en mer komfortabel (og billigere) variant fra Ikea og ryddet overflødig stæsh vekk. Det eneste som fikk lov til å være igjen var industrilampene og utklippene på veggen.
The first room we redecorated in the house was the room that was to become my homeoffice. With tons of of lovely images in front of me, cut out from miscellaneous magazines, I had pictured my room to be just like one of these...I dreamt of a room with a desktop overfilled with the old office utensils I had collected over the past years, inspirational tearsheets on the walls, and old industrial chairs and lamps. What I forgot was that as a photographer I am depended on a large LCD screen to work on my images, a good, comfortable chair to sit in the hours I spend in front of the computer, and a desk with room for all my papers, Post It notes and "to do" lists to remind me of what has to be done (getting old here...). I guess feelings came before my senses- again! After a few weeks on an old, schreeching (but oh sooo beautiful!) office chair, an overfilled with way to much stuff, I had to admit that my "battle" was lost. I sadly exchanged the chair for a more comfortable (and cheaper!) kind, and cleaned the crowded desk for beautifully styled stuff. The only thing that I kept behind was the industrial lamps and and the tearsheets on the wall... :-(
All images found on Rum.dk
The first room we redecorated in the house was the room that was to become my homeoffice. With tons of of lovely images in front of me, cut out from miscellaneous magazines, I had pictured my room to be just like one of these...I dreamt of a room with a desktop overfilled with the old office utensils I had collected over the past years, inspirational tearsheets on the walls, and old industrial chairs and lamps. What I forgot was that as a photographer I am depended on a large LCD screen to work on my images, a good, comfortable chair to sit in the hours I spend in front of the computer, and a desk with room for all my papers, Post It notes and "to do" lists to remind me of what has to be done (getting old here...). I guess feelings came before my senses- again! After a few weeks on an old, schreeching (but oh sooo beautiful!) office chair, an overfilled with way to much stuff, I had to admit that my "battle" was lost. I sadly exchanged the chair for a more comfortable (and cheaper!) kind, and cleaned the crowded desk for beautifully styled stuff. The only thing that I kept behind was the industrial lamps and and the tearsheets on the wall... :-(
All images found on Rum.dk
Herlig inspirasjon!! Det er ikke avlltid det gar hand i hand med verken budsjett eller det praktisk, desverre.... Men herlig inspirasjon likevel!!
SvarSlettJeg skulle gjerne hatt et arbeidsværelse som så slik ut jeg og ;)
SvarSlettI know the feeling!
SvarSlettlove the 2nd and third!!!!