My blog has definately been put aside lately, I have had too many projects going on so there hasn´t been much time. I´m sorry!
Here´s what happened...
My boyfriend went away on a three weeks trip to L.A, so I decided to get things organized while he was away (I guess to be nice, but also because I was fed up living like we have been the past 1 1/2 years. I took some action without him knowing... Oops! With great help from my wonderful mother we began working. The following three weeks we sanded and painted windows in the kitchen, unpacked tons of boxes with kitchen stuff, hung up lamps in several rooms, washed down walls, moved furnitures around (with help from great neighbours), sanded and painted the new built toilet upstairs etc. etc. It was hard work, but great fun to see the all the changes. Finished the last coat in the new toilet upstairs right in time, just one hour before my very tired and jetlagged man came in the door, and a very tired me kissed him hello and goodbye and left for Paris.
There´s still things missing (like cupboard doors, mouldings and the right countertop), but that´s ok. It´s definately a whole lot better than cooking my dinner in the living room and having to go down to the basement to get some water ;-)
Ser veldig lekkert ut:) Fortsatt god helg:))
SvarSlettohhh... i know what you are talking about. i had the same problem last end of the year. 3 month long...
SvarSletti L O V E your home. that kitchen is amazing. i will come back =)
Darling - du må ta utebenken inn!!!
Kjære fru Polkadot ;-) Det kommer, det kommer. En ny hjemmesnekret en... Den andre er bare satt inn midlertidig da jeg ikke har noe annet sted å ha den... Men, når den kommer er en annen ting.. Som du vet tar ting her i huset veeeldig lang tid! ;-)
SvarSlettregner med at skruene holder;-)
Wow - Is that it? It looks fabulous! Great work.
SvarSlettCongratulations Trine! Wow, you HAVE been busy!! So happy for you finally having a proper kitchen:)