Da jeg var på Island for noen uker siden, ble jeg introdusert til en nydelig bok ved navn Etcetera Etc. Boken er et sukkertøy for øyet og minner meg om min aller, aller største favoritt, The Diaries of Courtney Love (beklager, Courtney, tror jeg har fått meg en ny favoritt...). Boken er skrevet av den australske stylisten, Sibella Court og er spekket med inspirerende stylingtips, nydelige fargepaletter og hundrevis av deilige bilder tatt av broren, Chris.
When I was in Iceland a few weeks ago, I was introduced to a lovely book by the name Etcetera Etc. The book is a real eyecandy and reminds me of my absolute favourite, The Diaries of Courtney Love (sorry, Courtney, think I got myself a new favourite now...). The book is written by the Australian stylist, Sibella Court and is filled with great and inspiring styling tips, beautiful paint palettes and hundreds of wonderful images taken by her brother, Chris.
I ordered the book on Amazon
ISBN 978-1741965568
i just got mine last week - i just haven't had the time to take a proper look!
SvarSlettThis is my next buy, I'm pretty sure of that. It looks very interesting.
SvarSlettLekkert! Rett på ønskelisten!
SvarSlettJeiii! Glad you got it finally. It´s a lovely, lovely book;-)
SvarSlettThis is my all time favourite coffee table book. I love picking it up and getting lost whenever I'm feeling a bit stuck for inspiration. If you are ever in Sydney you MUST check out Sibella's store :) http://www.thesocietyinc.com.au/
SvarSlettI'm lucky enough to live near Sibella's store and home, it is really amazing, I was in there the other day and she told me she is working on another book, so thats something to look forward to ...
SvarSlettI just adore this book too !!!
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