

On Thursday we had a day off from shooting houses and went for a short excursion around Iceland, also known as "the golden circle". On our first stop, in the small village of Eyrabakki (app.60 km outside Reykjavik), we found this cute, little organic café. Looking more like a shed than like a café and being in- what I would call- the middle of nowhere- the café surprised us with nice smelling organic coffée and home made raw blueberry pie served with a delicious youghurt and vanilla bean sauce on the side. Yummie!

Photography: Trine Thorsen

4 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my goodness! That's fantastic. What a surprise that must have been. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Hei :-)

    Fantastisk :-) dit vil jeg :-)


  3. waw... merci pour ton blog !

  4. ah - skulle gjerne tatt en tur dit.
    herlig sted
    og flott øy, ikke? MÅ dit en gang.
    heldig du som får reist og sett litt i jobben.
    dagsturer fra sør-Norge med timelange møter i Tromsø osv. er liksom ikke like spennende...

    god helg til deg
    hilsen Åpent hus
