Kjøkkenet begynner å ta form og mens gutta er nede og snekrer, sitter jeg her og finner innredning. Bra fordeling, ikke sant? Neida, jeg gjør endel på huset jeg også, men i dag trengte jeg en litt rolig morgen, og hva er ikke bedre da enn å sitte i sengen og finne inspirasjon?
Siden jeg ikke skal ha overskap på kjøkkenet vil jeg komme til å trenge en stor, fin hylle. Har mest lyst på en spesialdesignet sveiset hylle i stål (på hjul selvsagt) som går fra gulv til tak, men det tror jeg kan blir dyrt. Så da er det enten å begynne å spare eller å finne noen alternativer...
Fant disse hyllene i dag som vil passe veldig godt inn blant industrilampene og det grove kjøkkenet som skal bygges. Hmmm... Stål eller tre, stål eller tre?
The kitchen is moving forward and while the boys are downstairs hammering, I am sitting in bed searching the net for some inspiration. Great delegation of tasks, isn´t it? Well, I AM doing alot of work at the house too, but today I really needed a slow morning. And what isn´t better then, than to sit in bed and search for inspiration?
Since I am not having cupboards in the kitchen I would need a big, nice shelf. I would really like a specially made iron shelf (on wheels of course), which goes from the floor to the ceiling. I know that can be an expensive choice, so I either have to start saving or find some alternatives...
Found these shelves today which would fit right in along with my industrial lamps and the rustic kitchen. Hmmm...Iron or wood, iron or wood?
Images found in Country Living via Houzz and roadsidescholar.com
Definitely iron, Thrine! Ooh, I'm still not over my envy of my neighbor who just bought a Sassafras shelf. Like me, she's also fond of hand forged iron furniture. It complements the interiors of our house, which is a mixture of Spanish and French influences. What about your house? Do iron furniture go well with the style of your interiors? I hope you've made a good decision.