
New workshop!

I have now set a new date for a workshop in digital photography for beginners, focusing on very basic interior and lifestyle photography. The course will be held this Octobre 15th. and 16th. in my hometown, Tofte, app. one hour drive from Oslo. At the old and charming Bikuben, we will learn, practice, eat and sleep from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. If you don´t have the chance to join both days, I have made it possible to do a one day workshop.

Sounds fun?

You can contact me here for more information and price.

Hope to see you there!

Image by Cuba Gallery on Flickr!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kjempefin blogg Trine :)
    Lykke til med workshopen!

  2. Jaaa, jeg vil gjerne være med, men jeg har ikke fått kjøpt nytt kamera enda. Det forrige gikk i gulvet...

  3. Å dette skulle jeg gjerne vært med på, men vi har dessverre andre planer. Håper det kommer en ny mulighet snart!
