

Jeg har lenge hatt lyst til å besøke denne byen og førstkommende helg bærer det av sted. Det blir en liten svipptur innom Paris først, til messen Maison & Objet, før vi setter oss på toget videre til Antwerpen.
Der blir det fire dager med deilig inspirasjon, god mat og kanskje litt shopping i en by jeg har hørt skal være helt fantastisk! Har du vært der, vær så snill å send meg tips på steder jeg bør besøke.

I have for a long time wanted to visit Antwerpen and this coming weekend I am heading off!
A small stop in Paris at the Maison & Objet, before we head further to this fantastic city. We will spend four days with great inspiration, good food and maybe a little bit of shopping in a city I´ve heard is supposed to be amazing! If you´ve been there, pleeease send me some great tips for places to visit.



Great gadgets!

If you hate to be alone...

Cool cuttingboard

Definately "my cup of tea"!

Love me stamp

Don´t know what to vote?

Care for some candy?

Want a moustache?

For your salade...

Mine gode venn og forhenværende romkamerat, Jean Sebastien Ides er en av to bak det Paris baserte firmaet Atypyk. Mens Jean Seb for det meste grubler, tegner, designer og kreerer, sitter kompanjongen Ivan i "sjefstolen" og tar seg av markedsføringen og alt det andre som må til for å drive en vellykket business, men sammen kommer de opp med de morsomste ting du ikke trenger, men bare MÅ ha!

My good friend and ex roommate, Jean Sebastien Ides is one of the two guys behind the French company Atypyk. While Jean Seb draws, designs and creates, his companion, Ivan is the "big boss" and in charge of the more serious side of the business. Together they come up with the greatest ideas on the funniest things you don´t really need, but just got to have!

Images found on atypyk.com


Cool stool!

I´ve been in love with this high stool from Danish Mater since I layed my eyes on it for the first time a couple of years ago. The stool is designed by Danish designers Signe Bindslev and Peter Bundgaard Rützou, and is handcrafted in dark stained North American white oak. The stool is made in a small Indian wood workshop which is participating in the sustainable business development program Susbiz India.

Image found on materdesign.com


Elsker trykkene til den svenske designeren Therese Sennerholt!

Love the prints from Swedish designer Therese Sennerholt!

Images found on theresesennerholtshop.se